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Products designed with Calm Tech Principles create more harmony in people's lives, developing long-term value and greater brand loyalty

"What matters is not technology itself, but its relationship to us."

The Coming Age of
Calm Technology

— Mark Weiser


AirThings' monitor makes the invisible visible, with a simple light that changes color based on air quality. The interface uses icons and text, and its long-lasting battery rarely needs attention.

"The Calm Tech Institute's insights were instrumental in the creation of our award-winning mui Boards.”

Kaz Oki  —
CEO, mui Lab

What we do


Calm Tech Certified™

Earned through our rigorous evaluation process, Calm Tech Institute certification of a product is a powerful market differentiator – especially among conscious consumers.


Product Testing 

In-depth analysis of existing products and services, with actionable recommendations for earning your Calm Tech Institute certification status.

Workshops and Design Sessions

Onsite or online design ideation with our team and select advisors where applicable, from whiteboarding sessions to company-wide presentations.

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Designing our future through the past

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